The Platform-ZERO consortium is a multidisciplinary group of 12 partners all over Europe.
This month, we are happy to introduce RISC Software GmbH.
About RISC:
RISC performs research and development for industrial partners since the company’s foundation by Prof. Bruno Buchberger in 1992. The core competences symbolic computation, mathematics and computer science are applied to develop remarkable software solutions in the business units logistics informatics, medical informatics, industrial software applications and domain-specific applications.
Role in the project:
In Platform-ZERO, RISC leads the design and implementation of a big data infrastructure, algorithms and communication protocols for managing the data generated by the platform. RISC also leads the integration of the AI-based control unit and graphical user interface of the developed software.
Contact us:

Paul Heinzlreiter, Senior Data Engineer
Cornelia Staub, Marketing and Communications Manager