IREC researcher Robert Fonoll’s Award-Winning Thesis

Robert Fonoll, a young researcher in the Solar Energy Materials and Systems group of IREC, has obtained one of the 8 Pioneer 2023 awards granted by the Catalan network of research centers CERCA, which are awarded to the best doctoral thesis carried out in a CERCA institution with a clear potential for innovation as well as industrial and market oriented results. The Pioneer 2023 awards aim to recognize those researchers who have prepared a doctoral thesis through which they develop and/or improve a technology or product with industrial or commercial application or may even make a significant specific contribution. to the development of public policy.

The scientific research developed in the frame of Robert Fonoll’s doctoral thesis, titled “Advanced characterization of interfaces of the chalcogenide-based absorbers for the thin film photovoltaic technologies”, focuses on the development of dedicated spectroscopic methodologies and sensors for advanced industrial process monitoring of the manufacturing of innovative 3rd generation photovoltaic modules. Part of this research has been carried out within the framework of Platform-Zero and is key to achieving our project objectives.